
Early Years

For children aged 3 to 5

Our AISL Harrow Early Years Curriculum (AHEYC) is specifically designed for the needs of students aged 3 to 5 and draws from the very best practices of kindergarten curricula around the world.

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Year 1

For children aged 5 to 6

Our Year 1 students enter Key Stage One, of the English National Curriculum which is one of the best established and longest running curriculums in the world. Our Year 1 program includes all of the subjects of the National curriculum integrated through the International Primary Curriculum, with the core subject focus on Mathematics and English.

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Creative Reading

At Harrow Beijing, we aim to develop a love of reading with all our students. We want to encourage our students to develop into well-rounded individuals with an extensive knowledge of the world and to help with this we provide a number of reading initiatives and guides to help them along their literary journey.

The opportunities we provide include Battle of the Books, House Battle of the Books, The Subway Lines, The Panda Book Awards, the Sixth Form Reading Challenge, our annual whole school Book Week celebrating books and reading, and bespoke library lessons delivered to Year 5 – 8. We also provide recommended reading lists for everyone from Early Years through to an Oxbridge reading list for our older members of the school.

It is proven that reading activities encourage wider reading which in turn improves mental health, reduces stress levels, improves general knowledge, helps develop our empathy with others, expands our vocabularies and improves our communication, focus, concentration and writing skills. Reading books exposes our students to new ideas while allowing them to think and process information which ultimately improves their overall analytical skills.

‘You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.’ ― C.S. Lewis.

Learning Support

The Learning Support Department at Harrow Beijing is dedicated to creating engaging learning environments that foster academic success and address barriers to learning in the least restrictive environment possible.

The department strives to work together with other teachers, families and community professionals to foster the healthy development of all our students, including those with or without a formal diagnosis of a special educational need or disability.

We are well resourced across the whole school, with a full-time Learning Support Coordinator in both Lower School and Upper School, and a number of dedicated Learning Support and Intervention Teachers. The department works collaboratively with school leaders and teachers to ensure that our commitment to quality first teaching permeates all of our practice.

The Learning Support Department’s remit also involves organising appropriate access arrangements for those students meeting the strict criteria of the JCQ and CIE regulatory examining boards. As students approach formal exams at IGCSE and A Level, the Learning Support Department works closely with the Educational Psychologist to support those students entitled to additional access arrangements.

The Learning Support Department maintains and shares an interest in current educational research, training and resources in an attempt to provide optimum outcomes for students and appropriate support, advice and training to the rest of the teaching body.

Gifted & Talented

At Harrow Beijing, provision for gifted and talented students is a critical area of our school curriculum. There is an emphasis throughout on setting aspirational targets for all students, and enabling gifted students to develop both a deeper understanding of subject areas and a love of those same subject, alongside growing their talents within specific disciplinary contexts. Equally, our staff work outside formal lesson times with students identified as gifted and talented, whether as a part of the department extra-curricular offering, or in informal lunch-time drop-in sessions. This extends to competitions such as the UKMT or Chemistry Olympiad, as well as initiatives within the Harrow Group of Schools such as the Harrow History Essay Competition or Creative Writing anthology.

When students enter Sixth Form, university coaching plays a key role in both guiding our students towards subjects and courses which meet their individual gifts and talents, as well as 1:1 coaching from subject specialists continuing to develop these interests. The Extended Project Qualification is a key part of this, allowing students to further their understanding of a particular area, with support from a subject specialist.

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