Year 2 – 5
Pre Prep for children aged 6 – 10
At Harrow Beijing, we offer a range of different subjects including English, Mandarin, Maths and Topic. In English, we always link our learning to a rich text where the children can learn about different stories enhancing their imagination and creativity. This supports their writing progress where we aim for all children to acquire skills which can serve them throughout their learning journeys. We have a specific focus on literal comprehension – developing speech and encouraging children to think carefully about what they can see, hear and read, and make links to their own lives and the outside world. Our Mandarin curriculum improves children’s communication, writing and reading skills whilst simultaneously allowing them to develop their appreciation of Chinese culture and history. We promote mathematical understanding and reasoning by using different resources to solve problems in different ways. Harrow Beijing also offers comprehensive opportunities to excel in sports, aquatics, music and drama whilst their art skills are refined through Topic – a subject which encourages project based learning throughout. Through these subjects, we offer all children the chance to acquire knowledge and skills to explore and love the world around them.

Join us to meet with academic staff, visit our outstanding facilities, interact with current pupils and individual consultation with our admissions team.