The Way to Top Ranking University 

Harrow Beijing provides a mature international education system and comprehensive university admission counseling to help students navigate challenges and achieve their dream of attending top universities worldwide.

Harrow Beijing university counselling team, comprising experienced experts, offers personalized academic planning and advice to students. In close collaboration with subject teachers, our academic team tailors solutions for course selection, academic improvement, extracurricular activities, and social practices based on students’ interests and goals.

Personalized, Comprehensive, 

Targeted, and Forward-thinking

Harrow’s Guidance System 

for College Entrance and Career Planning

Year 9

Through the Careers Programme which starts as early as Year 9, students are guided by their form tutors and the university guidance team to begin their university research and preparation journey. In Year 9, students start to create their personal profile. Supplemented by a range of psychometric assessments, subject and career resources, students are guided by their form tutors to begin to identify their personal interests and strengths, map their competencies and attributes, and investigate higher education requirements for various occupations in order to start creating their own academic and university planning strategy.

Year 10

From Year 10, students start to link their IGCSE subject interest to their potential career choices and ultimately, to fulfill the possible pre-requisites requirements from universities, as well as an intention to lay a solid foundation for the further A Level studies. Through exploring super-curricular and extra-curricular activities, students are expected to build and tailor their academic skills and personal attributes while documenting their progress on Unifrog. With a clear mindset of connecting their career interest with higher education plan, students will be directed to start their general university research. The system also allows students to remain flexible in their choices with the core sense to develop transferrable skills within and outside of academics and career options.

Year 11

In Year 11, students are expected to develop a better understanding of today’s employment market and also gain practical skills through sessions such as resume writing which they may apply into their university application process and later in their careers. Well-equipped by the desirable knowledge and skills, students are guided to research different types of universities and subject choices in greater depth with an aim to find the right “fit” for their future academic pursuits. This is the essential part of the Career Programme which helps students to create their strategic plans for the A Level studies and further university applications.

Year 12

Starting in Year 12, students have their weekly university classes scheduled in their school timetable. Students are assigned a specific counsellor who will work with them individually to help create their unique university pathway. The university classes cover a range of topics tailored to where students will be applying and with a target to ensure them receive the same level of support. Students meet their guidance counsellor individually on a regular basis to ensure they are progressing and are moving the right direction. To help students think about their post-secondary options wisely, the university guidance team support them to complete a set of clearly defined tasks with associated deadlines to ensure all the important educational and life decisions are well thought and decided.

Year 13

In Year 13, taking A Level predicted grades into consideration and after receiving several rounds of feedback on personal statements, college essays or any other specific admissions requirements, students are ready to send off their applications based on their submitted final list. Students continue to receive support and advice on their post-applications issues to make a smooth transition to global universities.

Besides the structured Careers Programme, students are well supported by a range of other forms of guidance, including but not limited to advice on IGCSE/A Level choices,standardized tests and English language level.

Visiting World-Renowned Universities 

and Experiencing Authentic University Life

Harrow Beijing is committed to providing students and parents with abundant opportunities to obtain first-hand information about world universities, so that they can make informed choices.

Recently, Harrow Beijing hosted an international university fair which saw representatives from over 100 different universities from across the world come to meet students and parents. Representatives were able to talk about the highlights of their specific university and the courses on offer, and provide expert and first-hand advice on how to make a successful application. There was a great atmosphere throughout the event, and it was evident that many very fruitful conversations were taking place. In addition to the main exhibition, the event featured a series of seminars for students and parents, hosted by university representatives. The seminar topics covered included a look at the UK personal statements, the US common app essays, how to access sports scholarships, and the application processes in Canada and Hong Kong. 

In addition, Harrow Beijing will recently lead some Year 12 students to visit renowned universities in the UK, allowing them to experience authentic university life and prepare them for their future overseas education.

Book an Open Day

Join us to meet with academic staff, visit our outstanding facilities, interact with current pupils and individual consultation with our admissions team.