Three-Year A Level

After the lively and festive Spring Festival, the students of Harrow Beijing are returning to the campus amidst the auspicious snowfall of the Spring season!

With the start of the new semester, various academic courses at the school are unfolding vigorously. Students are navigating the ocean of knowledge, exploring new fields, and challenging the limits of their thinking. Each class is a window opening to the realm of wisdom, broadening their minds while discovering areas of personal interest. In the upcoming semester, the campus will continue to provide a rich array of extracurricular activities, artistic performances, and social initiatives, offering opportunities for students to unleash their creativity and passion to the fullest.

New Program Launch

Harrow Beijing inherits the essence of hundred years of education from Harrow School in the UK. With the outstanding A Level curriculum system and the philosophy of holistic education, it helps students achieve comprehensive development and realize their life ideals. In order to meet the demands of students at different stages for international education, Harrow Beijing has added a three-year A Level program to assist more outstanding students in preparing for entry into world-class higher education institutions.

The Distinctive Features of the Program

  • Personalized cultivation of subject skills, delving into specialized areas.
  • Classes taught exclusively by English-speaking foreign teachers, enabling students to rapidly enhance their English proficiency in an immersive international education environment.
  • Growing under the holistic education philosophy of Harrow, developing essential soft skills for the new era.
  • Ongoing professional guidance for higher education and career planning, enabling students to identify future development paths early.
  • Helping students acquire the ability to adapt to the study and life abroad.

Which students are suitable for the program?

  • Completed middle school education.
  • Planning for an international academic path and intending to study abroad.
  • Demonstrates good academic performance and has a foundation in English.

Harrow Beijing’s A Level program is widely recognized by top universities worldwide for its depth, rigor, and high quality. Each year, graduates from Harrow Beijing pursue diverse paths for further education, gaining admission to leading universities around the world. Their achievements span prominent institutions in the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, Japan, and China. Over the years, Harrow Beijing graduates have received favorable attention from elite UK universities, including the G5 group, such as Oxford and Cambridge, as well as prestigious American universities like Yale, Cornell, Columbia, UC Berkeley, NYU, and others.

Book an Open Day

Join us to meet with academic staff, visit our outstanding facilities, interact with current pupils and individual consultation with our admissions team.